Prayer for the Peace of Two States for Two Peoples (for the Birkat Hamazon)

Prayer for the Peace of Two States for Two Peoples (for the Birkat Hamazon)

This Hebrew and English text by Ira Tick is a prayer for a peaceful, just solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict written for inclusion in the Grace After Meals. While the author’s political opinions are clearly stated, people of varying political stances could use this text as a basis, altering it to reflect their views. Tick, a Jewish educator, submitted his prayer to The Open Siddur Project, an initiative that aims to liberate the creative content of Jewish spiritual practice as a collectively shared resource for students, scholars, artists, and educators to adopt, adapt, and redistribute.

Two States Prayer

«הרחמן הוא ישבור עול כיבוש — Prayer to the Compassionate One for the Peace of Two States for Two Peoples (for Inclusion in the Birkat Hamazon)» by Ira Tick is shared by Ira Tick with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.