Ached Mi Yodeah / Who Knows One? — Interpretive Dance & Lyrics

Echad Mi Yodea (Who Knows One?) is a traditional song sung at the end of the Passover seder. A cumulative list from one through thirteen, the goal of the song is the impart important Jewish motifs to children in a fun way. The above video, with onscreen Hebrew, English and transliterated lyrics, presents a modern interpretative dance set to the song performed by the Tel Aviv based Batsheva Dance Company. The video below presents a karaoke-style English version of the song. For the full English and transliterated lyrics, click here. Below is a list of what each number represents:

  1. God
  2. The tablets that Moses brought down from Mount Sinai
  3. The forefathers (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob)
  4. The matriarchs (Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah)
  5. The books of the Torah
  6. The orders of the Mishnah
  7. The days of the week
  8. The day on which a baby boy is circumcised
  9. The months of pregnancy
  10. The Ten Commandments
  11. The stars in Joseph’s dream
  12. The tribes of Israel
  13. The attributes of God