Public Transportation in Haifa

This article from EL AL provides everything you need to know to get around Haifa using public transportation, including busses, trains, the light-rail, service taxis, and the country’s only underground train system. With basic information about each public transport system and links to the relevant websites and maps, this is an excellent resource for anyone visiting or living in Haifa. The featured video introduces Moovit, a public transportation app developed in Israel that can help you get from A to B using the quickest and most convenient route. 

Public Transportation in Haifa

Despite being Israel’s third largest city, Haifa’s public transport system is the most advance in the country, making it easy for visitors to get from uptown to downtown, and find their way around the city. Haifa’s transport system includes buses, trains, light rail, underground tube (Carmelit), and service taxis. In recent years the city’s public transport system has undergone major changes, making it the country’s most efficient and user-friendly.

The Carmelit – Underground Train

The Carmelit is the only underground train in the country, bringing the city a lot of pride, and making it easy for tourists to access the city’s main attractions, museums, parks, promenades and restaurants. Bypassing the city’s heavy traffic, it is an ideal choice for visitors, saving you a lot of time and hassle. The Carmelit’s total travel time lasts only eight minutes, and their frequency is so quick you will reach your destination in no time. It is green, quick and enjoyable way to experience the city’s PT system. It’s also possible to purchase combined Carmelit and bus tickets.

The Carmelit stops at 3pm Friday and reopens Saturday evening. But not to worry – Haifa is the only city in Israel offering public transport on weekends, and there are bus routes that will get you anywhere you need to go in the city every day of the week.

Haifa’s over ground system connects the city’s uptown and downtown neighborhoods and suburbs via busses, light rail, over ground train and low cost service taxis.

Metronit – Light Rail

The light rail, locally known as Metronit, runs three lines heading from the city center to Haifa’s southern and northern edges, via central station and along sea line and the port.


There are nine train stations in Haifa, dotted across the city, heading north and south. The trains are a quick and efficient way to cross the city, with short travel time between stations. A train ride from Haifa to Tel Aviv for example, takes around 50 minutes, and is a great way to travel north from central Israel. All rail information can be found in Israel Rail website.


Apart from under and over ground trains, Haifa’s many buss routes operate seven days a week, and are a cheap, available and quick way to cross town. Egged, the main bus company, operates dozens of inner city lines, while Nateev and Omni Express travel to nearby satellite towns and suburbs. A detailed bus list can be found here.

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