Explore Israel’s beautiful and historically-rich North with veteran tour guide Marty Friedlander in a Haaretz article called ‘From the Sea of Galilee to the Bahai: Where to Go in the North of Israel‘. On the western shore of the Sea of Galilee lie the cities of Tiberias and Capernaum/Kfar Nachum, with Kibbutz Ginosar right in between. Slightly to the north, the Majrase and Nachal Meshushim Nature Reserves offer scenic hikes through the rivers that feed into the Sea. Continue north for another 20 minutes and you’ll reach the Hula Valley and KKL-JNF’s Hula Lake Park, sandwiched between the Galilee’s Naftali Mountains and the rolling hills of the Golan Heights. To the north and west of the Sea of Galilee, find the ancient cities of Safed and Nazareth. Keep heading west and you’ll reach the coastal city of Akko before long (about a 1-hour drive). And of course, scattered throughout, you’ll find pockets of high-quality gourmet foods to enjoy!
Photo by Chris Gallimore on Unsplash